Gales Ferry Library:
Froml-95: Take Exit 86 to Route 12. Go North through 8 lights (about 4 miles) to Gales Ferry. After the eighth light, go left on Hurlbutt Road (shopping center on right, school on left) through intersection to Library on right.
From Hartford: Route 2 South to Exit 28 – Route 395. Follow 1-395 South to Exit 79A – Mohegan Pequot Bridge. Cross bridge to Route 12. Right on Route l2 about 4 miles to 3rd light. Bear right at light (McDonalds on left). Right at the stop sign to Library on right.
Bill Library:
From 1-95: Take Exit 88N onto Route 117. Go 5.7 miles to the second light. Right on Col. Ledyard Highway – 1st left to Library.
From Hartford: Route 2 South to Exit 28 (Route 395). Follow 1-395 South to Exit 79A Mohegan Pequot Bridge. Cross bridge to Route 12. Right on Route 12 to 1st light (about 3 miles). Left onto Route 214 to lights. Right on Route 117 to next light. Left on Col. Ledyard Highway and 1st left into Library.