ShoutBomb Text Alerts

ShoutBomb is a free and easy way to be notified when your books are ready for pickup (Standard texting rates apply).

Simply text the word SIGNUP to 844-213-2295. You will receive a reply asking for your library card number. Once you send your card number, you will receive a confirmation text confirming your registration with ShoutBomb.

You will receive text messages when:
Items you requested are ready for pickupShoutbomb
Items you borrowed are almost due
Items you borrowed are overdue

You can even renew your items via text!

ShoutBomb has many commands that allows you to access your library account over text. You may only use the same command three times in a 24 Hour period.

General Commands:
HELP: Detailed description of each keyword
ADDCARD + card#: Add a secondary library card to your ShoutBomb account.
IOWEU: Display Fines and Fees
QUIT + card#: Stop this text notices service
NOTICES: Current status of all opt in/out service</font size>

Renewal Commands:
RENEW – (*Auto-enrolled with sign up): Toggle notification on or off for due date warnings
RA: Request to renew all eligible items except overdues
OA: Request to renew all overdue items
RI: Request to show items NOT eligible for renewal
OI: Request to show overdue items NOT eligible for renewal
RL: Request for list of eligible items not overdue to choose to renew
OL: Request for list of eligible overdue items to choose to renew
RW: Request for reasons why items are not eligible to renew
OW: Request for reasons why overdue items are not eligible to renew</font size>

Hold Commands:
HOLDS – (*Auto-enrolled with sign up): Toggles hold notices on or off
HL: Request a list of your items currently on the hold shelf</font size>

To see the full list of commands, please click the following link